InspireMe Crafts

Creative inspiration for the home, entertaining, and unforgettable gifts

Gotta Make It: Tile Coasters November 21, 2007

Filed under: Chrsitmas Gifts,Gifts,Gotta Make It,Gotta Make It...with the kids,Home — inspiremecrafts @ 7:30 am

“Never let yesterday fill up today”


This is an example of a project that didn’t go the way I expected (don’t you hate that!), but  I decided to make the best of it.  I was trying to get my 18 month old to make his handprint and footprint for me on tiles.  Well, if you have an 18 month old, or have already gone through that stage, you know that they have a mind of their own and you can never predict them!  My son did not want to cooperate with handprint/footprint idea  (obvious by the picture). Instead it was more fun to make a mess and smush in his hands. So be it.  As a result, we have my son’s artwork captured on a few tiles.  Now you have a few options from here.  I’m going to make some coasters out of them.  I will trim the edges with some ribbon and add some felt to the bottom…and Voila!  Your child’s own personal artwork turned into coasters and it basically cost you about $2.  I found the tiles on sale for about 25 cents, the felt is about 25 cents, and the paint is about $1. I did add a sealent (found at craft store) to the top. The sealant was in a spray can and can be used on almost any surface.  Make sure to do it outside otherwise the fumes will have you living outside….and we don’t want that!  How on earth would you get all your projects done? 🙂

Don’t need anymore coasters?  Add some ribbon to the top and you have some artwork you can display on the wall.  Or use them as a personlized paper weight at work or in your home office.  The ideas are endless and everytime you see them they’ll definitely put a smile on your face!

Be inspired, get creative and have fun!


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