InspireMe Crafts

Creative inspiration for the home, entertaining, and unforgettable gifts

Gotta Make It: Muffin Gift Box December 19, 2007

“Being happy doesn’t mean everything’s perfect.  It means you decide to see beyond the imperfections.”


I SOOOOO wish I could take credit for this super cute and clever idea…but I can’t!  My mom purchased this at a Holiday Bazaar in Washington State and unfortunately the talented  and creative mind behind this didn’t leave too much information for me to give her credit.  All I know is her name is Regan Denke and she goes by Ms. Crafty’s Creations.  Like I said…I wish I had more info.  She made a tag that said “You’re getting…muffin for Christmas!!” and in the inside of the box she included directions for Blueberry muffins along with the mix and some holiday cupcake liners.  The papers she chose are adorable and she used bells on the bottom of the box as little leg stands…how clever!  She gets an A+!!!!

If you’ve seen an adorable and clever ideas please share and email us at

Be inspired, get creative, and have fun!!!!


Gotta Make It…with the Kids: Ornaments December 17, 2007

“The Star that led the Wise Men then still shines to guide the hearts of Men.”



I’m not much of an “organized group” type of person.  I never did the sorority thing or joined any clubs.  I have nothing against them at all – it just wasn’t for me.  I’m not sure why and this post certainly isn’t the place to delve into my psyche to figure out why I am the way I am.  However, it does bring me to the point that I forced myself to get out of my comfort zone and try out some “organized groups”.  I went to my first MOMS club event today with my son.  I won’t go into all the details, but my son had a blast and we made some really cute ornaments that are super easy.  In fact, I am just going to share the pictures, because I am sure you can figure it out from there!  Have fun with the family and get crackin because the countdown continues…..

Be inspired, get creative, and have fun!


Gotta Make It: Christmas Candy Jar December 4, 2007

“Always keep Christmas in your heart”


As the day quickly approaches when our guests will start arriving, I am running around trying to get “organized”.  In the process my Christmas Candy Jar developed.  I finally decided to keep my empty spaghetti jars knowing that they will be put to use (…someday).  So after a couple washes in the dishwasher to make sure the spaghetti smell doesn’t linger it was ready to go. 

I added some of my favorite ribbon, painted a star, attached it (used double sided tape so that I can re-use the jar later) and Voila!  You have a candy jar to store all those goodies you will be receiving for the next month.    But of course there can be more uses!  This would be a great idea for a DIY Christmas gift package.  Add some holiday candy or bake some cookies and give it to that special someone this holiday season.   Or decorate it and place a candle in it for a rustic candle holder.  Let your imagination roll and look around your house to see what you need and ask yourself if that empty spaghetti jar could solve that problem!

This is sooo easy, soooo quick, and soooo cute….so you have to do it!

Be inspired, get creative, and have fun!


Gotta Make It: Christmas Cards….made by the kids November 29, 2007

“We make a living by not what we get but we make a life by what we give.”Winston Churchill


Brace yourselves because today’s post takes some major talent.  Done right, you may have a true Picasso on your hands…..and he/she may be as little as 18 months.  As you know, I love projects and have been anxiously awaiting the time when my son was old enough to participate in some with me.  I decided to give it a try.  As of now the most art he does is coloring….and we haven’t even mastered that.  We aren’t even worried about lines…we’re just battling staying on the actual page and not using the walls, table, chairs, floor, etc as his blank canvas.  

 So I decided my 18 month old could handle some foam stickers.  The Dollar Tree actually has some great stuff right now including a bag of 300 pieces of foam Christmas stickers, pipe cleaners, and some cotton balls for snow.  All I did was lay out the blank cards, remove the sticker backs and place them on my fingers.  That way he chose the one he wanted and bam!….he put it where his little artistic fingers led him.  Then we decided to attempt the coloring part again.  And what was I thinking?  I let him use glitter markers….it just seemed more Christmas-y.  To my pleasant surprise he stayed on the paper – for the most part.  To finish it off, I wrote “Merry Christmas” and “2007” on the front. 

So you really aren’t learning anything new and exciting today, but my point is that sometimes simple is just right.  These handmade Christmas cards will be just the right touch in a stocking stuffer for Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and whoever else is important in your child’s life.  Let them have fun and be creative…and worry about the mess later. 

Be inspired, get creative, and have fun!   


Gotta Make It: Paper Christmas Tree November 27, 2007

Filed under: Christmas,Entertaining,Gotta Make It,Gotta Make It...with the kids,Home — inspiremecrafts @ 10:54 pm

“He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.”  ~Roy L. Smith


I’m here, I’m here!  I have been wanting to share some Christmas craft ideas for awhile, but the combination of being out of town for most of November and trying to make our house all “Christmasy” has left me a sparse amount of time to spare.  But now the lil bugger is down for the night (hopefully) and the husband is working late.  Ahhh…peach and quiet!  What more can you ask for?  Maybe a glass of wine to go with that….

So here it goes.  I have been working on this Paper Christmas Tree.  I say “working” because it did take me a few days.   I did it in bits and pieces when the lil bugger was down for naps.  However, if you have some older kids who can help you out you’ll finish it in no time! 

Here’s what you need:

Favorite patterned paper (I chose 5 different ones)
Tree shaped craft Styrofoam (find in floral section of craft store)
Scissors, glue (I used glue gun), ruler, pencil
Stick (smooth and rounded)  Can find at craft store.  Size depends on Styrofoam
Ribbon and other embellishments (optional)
Spray Glitter (optional)
Terra cotta pot (optional)
Small piece of craft styrophoam to put in terra cotta pot (optional)

Glass marbles (optional)

Now the To Do’s:

1. I used 8×8 scrapbook paper since my Styrofoam base was relatively small (around 5 inches tall).  I measured and cut it into 2cm wide strips.  I then cut the 2cm wide strips into thirds.  You can adjust the width and length depending on what size styrophoam you choose.  The bigger you go the bigger strips you’ll want otherwise this will truly turn out to be a loooonnng  project.  The is the part that takes awhile so if you have kids who are old enough to cut and measure….for goodness sakes get them to work!
2.  Take a cut strip and attach the ends together with glue.  Don’t fold it though…you want to keep the other end rounded. 
3.Attach the glued ends to the Styrofoam with glue.  Start at the bottom.  Continue this all the way around.  When you finish one layer move up and start on the next level. Indent where you start on each new level.  A few tips:  If you have more than one child helping you on this it would go extremely quickly if you have one gluing the ends together and then the other gluing the finished piece to the Styrofoam. Next tip:  I layed out my 5 different cut papers in piles and lined them up in the order I wanted to attach them. For the most part I used that same pattern.  However, sometimes I came across areas that had too much red or too much green so I did change it up a bit when needed.  So go with what your eye tells you. If it doesn’t look right…change it up. 

4.  Attach any embellishments.  For example, I added a star to the top along with ribbon hanging down.  I also used a star punch and red scrapbook paper to make “star ornaments” that I glued to the tree.  At the end…spray the tree with some spray glitter to give it that extra ummphh. 

5.  You could call it quits here and your paper tree would still ‘wow’ everyone as a unique Christmas decoration.  But if you want to do it like the picture I show then keep going…..

6.  Take a stick and stab it into the bottom of the tree.  I put a little glue around it with the glue gun to make sure it wasn’t going anywhere.  Confession:  The stick I had was too short.  Being lazy and not wanting to go to the craft store again I started looking around the house.  I had a red colored pencil.  So I took it and used it.  It worked out great and I didn’t have to paint it or anything!

7.  Put the small piece of Styrofoam into the terra cotta pot.  Take the other end of the colored pencil and stab it into the terra cotta Styrofoam. I once again used the glue gun to make sure it wasn’t going anywhere. 

8.  Take some glass beads/marbles and put them around the “trunk” of the tree and to cover up the Styrofoam.  You could also use fake snow if you wanted to. 

9.  I added a large red ribbon to the terra cotta pot.  If you choose to paint or decorate the pot any other way it would probably be easier to do before step 6.

Well….there you have it.  It really is a fun Christmas craft project and rewarding when you finish.  And who says you have to use red and green?  Use the colors that go with your Christmas home decor and get creative.  Instead of paper star cutouts for ornaments why not use some buttons?  You always get those extra buttons with your clothes…so put them to use!

Anyway, I enjoyed sharing this with you and will be bringing some more.   In fact, go check out the Paper Wreath I just finished!  Until then….

Be inspired, get creative, and have fun!


Gotta Make It: Tile Coasters November 21, 2007

Filed under: Chrsitmas Gifts,Gifts,Gotta Make It,Gotta Make It...with the kids,Home — inspiremecrafts @ 7:30 am

“Never let yesterday fill up today”


This is an example of a project that didn’t go the way I expected (don’t you hate that!), but  I decided to make the best of it.  I was trying to get my 18 month old to make his handprint and footprint for me on tiles.  Well, if you have an 18 month old, or have already gone through that stage, you know that they have a mind of their own and you can never predict them!  My son did not want to cooperate with handprint/footprint idea  (obvious by the picture). Instead it was more fun to make a mess and smush in his hands. So be it.  As a result, we have my son’s artwork captured on a few tiles.  Now you have a few options from here.  I’m going to make some coasters out of them.  I will trim the edges with some ribbon and add some felt to the bottom…and Voila!  Your child’s own personal artwork turned into coasters and it basically cost you about $2.  I found the tiles on sale for about 25 cents, the felt is about 25 cents, and the paint is about $1. I did add a sealent (found at craft store) to the top. The sealant was in a spray can and can be used on almost any surface.  Make sure to do it outside otherwise the fumes will have you living outside….and we don’t want that!  How on earth would you get all your projects done? 🙂

Don’t need anymore coasters?  Add some ribbon to the top and you have some artwork you can display on the wall.  Or use them as a personlized paper weight at work or in your home office.  The ideas are endless and everytime you see them they’ll definitely put a smile on your face!

Be inspired, get creative and have fun!


Gotta Make It: Thanksgiving Tablerunner November 20, 2007

Filed under: Entertaining,Gotta Make It,Gotta Make It...with the kids,Home,Thanksgiving — inspiremecrafts @ 3:21 pm

“Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want but the realization of how much you already have”

It’s wonderful to be back home.  There’s nothing like coming home to where everything is familiar and yours.  We had a blast visiting family, but its nice to be back together again.  I had a wonderful Thanksgiving idea that would be great for making with the kids.  Unfortunately, with all the traveling I haven’t had time to make one to share a picture so I will describe it the best I can.  Its pretty simple and could be a great Thanksgiving family tradition every year.  

 A Thanksgiving table runner made by your family would add that special touch to your table this year….and every year to come.  Find an inexpensive plain table runner (I’m sure the $1 Store would have one).  Then cut out leaves from felt or your favorite fabric.  Have each child write something they are thankful for on each leaf with a fabric pen.  Then attach it to the table runner.  Depending on how crafty you are you could use the good ole glue gun or the sewing machine to attach them.  It would be fun to use the same table runner every year and have your children and yourselves add something every year.  Imagine when they are older and look back at what they wrote when they were 4.  It could provide dinner amusement and great conversation starters!

I hope you have fun trying this one and I would love to see pictures to share with everyone if you decide to do it.  If so, please send them to!

Be inspired, get creative and have fun!!!!


Gotta Make It…with the Kids: Thankful Tree November 8, 2007

Filed under: Entertaining,Gotta Make It,Gotta Make It...with the kids,Home,Thanksgiving — inspiremecrafts @ 7:32 am

“Having someone to love is family, having somewhere to go is home, having both is a blessing”


This Thanksgiving family project is fun and easy and will help celebrate the holiday and give thanks.  I already had the vase and branches as decor in our house so I decided to make a Thankful tree from it.  You can find the branches at your craft store for around $5 and any vase will do. 

During the month of November, make some tags to hang from your Thankful tree explaining what you are thankful for.  I used the same type of luggage tags as I did for the Thanksgiving Banner – they are just a smaller size.  On one side write “I’m thankful for….” and then on the other side your family can each write what they are thankful for on their own tag.  Mine are really simple here, but let them have fun and decorate theirs any way they want.  Run a ribbon through the hole and hang from your tree.

You can do this as often or as little as you like.  For example, you can sit down in one sitting and each do several tags or you can make it a Sunday project where every Sunday you each do one and add it to the tree.  Its your choice based on your family’s schedule.  Then on Thanksgiving dinner you move the Thankful tree to your table and it can be your centerpiece. 

Then when Thanksgiving is over add them to a scrapbook or special box.  When your kids are older they will have fun looking at what they wrote.  Since my son is too young to participate this year, I wrote his based on what he might say.  He loves his milk so I put “whole milk” for him.  He’ll get a good laugh when he’s older and it will spark my memory of this wonderful time.

Be inspired, get creative, and have fun!!!!


Gotta Make It: Thanksgiving Banner November 6, 2007

Filed under: Entertaining,Gotta Make It,Gotta Make It...with the kids,Home,Thanksgiving — inspiremecrafts @ 7:30 am

“We are so blessed”



This “Give Thanks” banner will spruce up any dull area for Thanksgiving!  I chose to put it on our fireplace mantle since as of now its just for show…no fires.  But if you use your fireplace I might not recommend putting it there. 🙂 

I used large blank luggage tags that you can find in your card section of your local craft store.  They are around $2-$3 for a package of 10…so it was our lucky day when I did the math (my grade school teachers get an A) and realized “Give Thanks” is exactly 10. 

 I decorated each one to my heart’s content with paper, ribbon, stickers, and embellishments.  So have fun and do what you want to do with it!  Couple of  tips (if you want them)….1) to make sure the letters stood out and looked somewhat uniformed, since they are different colors and styles, I made sure to use a brown square as the background on each one.  This ties it together and although each tag is extremely unique from the others…they still look cohesive.  My other tip is to “ink” the edges with an inkpad.  This is one of my favorite tricks.  Just take your favorite color inkpad and run it along the edges.  It gives it a softer look and finishes it off.  You can go with the same color tone or provide contrast with a darker or lighter one.

I know your next question….how do I make that adorable star?  Well, lucky you, because tomorrow I will show you.  See you then! 

Be inspired, get creative and have fun!